Pediatric Integrative & Functional Medicine

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Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)

CIRS is a progressive, multi-system, multi-symptom illness characterized by exposure to biotoxins. The ongoing inflammation can affect virtually any organ system of the body and if left untreated can lead to many chronic conditions (such as fatigue, headaches, chronic abdominal [...]

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Mold/Mycotoxin Toxicity

Living in mold can cause a variety of symptoms for a child and family that can impair cognition, sleep, behavior, and immunity. When a child has been living in mold, it’s imperative to take needed steps to remediate and help [...]

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PANDAS and PANS are characterized by the sudden onset of obsessive behaviors, anxiety, depression, motor tics, decline in math and handwriting abilities, sensory sensitivities, restrictive eating, irrational fears, sleep disorders, and somatic complaints like nausea or upset stomach. A functional [...]

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Low Dose Immunotherapy

Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI) is a novel immunotherapy intended to help the immune system reestablish balance in those with chronic inflammatory autoimmunity. LDI is used successfully among integrative and functional practitioners but not widely accepted in allopathic medicine (similar to [...]

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Cunningham Panel for PANDAS

The purpose of the Cunningham Panel is to provide laboratory results that assist physicians in diagnosing infection-induced autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders. The panel measures the level of circulating antibodies directed against antigens concentrated in the brain, and measures the ability of [...]

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Lyme Testing

Tick-borne illnesses can affect every part of your life, and without effective diagnosis and treatment, symptoms can often worsen and progress into severe and even life-threatening health issues. Resources: Igenex Testing | Galaxy Testing [...]

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Mold/Mycotoxin Testing

Mycotoxins are some of the most prevalent toxins in the environment. Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi like mold, which can infest buildings, vehicles, and foodstuffs. A majority of mycotoxin exposures are through food ingestion or airborne exposure. In the [...]

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Functional Digestive Testing

Hippocrates once said, “All disease begins in the gut”. Gut issues can be the cause of digestive problems, as well as autoimmune disease, developmental delays, hormone imbalance and many others. Taking a thorough history and listening to our patients story is important, [...]

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Sublingual Immunotherapy (Allergy Drops)

Allergy drops are also known as Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT). They are a form of allergen immunotherapy, which is the process of stimulating the immune system to develop tolerance towards an allergen. Sublingual refers to how the drops are taken: instead [...]

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Food and Environmental Allergy Testing

Our clinic uses a laboratory that provides specialized food and environmental allergy testing through Alletess Labratories. Alletess Medical Laboratory has been a leader in the field of allergy and immunology testing for over 35 years. They specialize in food and [...]

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